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Reporting for authorised deposit taking institutions - frequently asked questions

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) are designed to clarify reporting issues raised by industry and to assist them in meeting their reporting obligations. APRA encourages entities to report to APRA in accordance with the guidance provided in the FAQs, to the extent practicable. The FAQs refer to the provisions of APRA’s reporting standards but, until they are incorporated into the legislative reporting instruments, they do not form part of the law or create enforceable requirements.

It is APRA’s practice, where appropriate, to incorporate FAQ guidance into the final reporting standards, forms and instructions from time-to-time. When this occurs, APRA provides formal notice to entities and removed the FAQ from this page.

Where should term deposits be reported in APRA forms?

APRA requires ADIs to report term deposits with financial institutions on the following forms: