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APRA's organisation structure

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APRA organisation structure

The APRA Executive Group consists of

  • John Lonsdale, Chair
  • Margaret Cole, Deputy Chair
  • Therese McCarthy Hockey, APRA Member
  • Suzanne Smith, APRA Member

The Audit & Risk Committee, Chief Internal Auditor, Chief Risk Officer and Executive Lead - Supervision Practice report directly to the Executive Group.

  • Chief Internal Auditor - Shane Campbell
  • Chief Risk Officer - Philip Wang 
  • Executive Lead, Supervision Practice - Brandon Khoo

Seven Executive Directors report to the Executive Group. The Executive Directors and the management teams that report to them include:

Chief of Staff and Operations, Jane Magill

  • General Manager - Corporate Affairs, Paula Hannaford
  • General Manager - People and Culture, Evangeline Carpio
  • General Manager - Operations, Nigel McCammon
  • Chief Financial Officer - Finance, Eugene Jalba
  • Senior Manager - Regulatory Affairs, Chris Dreverman (caretaker basis)
  • Senior Manager - Regulatory Affairs, Sarah Nicholson
  • Senior Manager - Strategy & Governance, Chris Dreverman

Executive Director - Policy & Advice, Clare Gibney

  • General Manager - Policy, TBC
  • General Manager - Advice and Approvals & Licensing, Lucinda McCann (caretaker basis)
  • General Manager - Resolution, Paul Tattersall
  • General Counsel and General Manager - Legal, Lucinda McCann

Executive Director - Banking, Peter Diamond (acting) 

  • General Manager - Branch 1, Tracey Bragg
  • General Manager - Branch 2, Stephanie Hewitt
  • General Manager - Branch 3, Andrew Powell (acting) 
  • General Manager - Financial Risk Specialist Teams, Kirsten Day (acting)
  • Senior Manager - Strategy and Operations, Jane Phielix 

Executive Director - Insurance, Sean Carmody

  • General Manager – General Insurance, John Huijsen
  • General Manager – Life and Health Insurance, Nancy Ma (acting)
  • Head of Insurance - Risk, Jonathan Wood
  • Senior Manager - Insurance Strategy, Rachael Povah

Executive Director - Superannuation, Carmen Beverley-Smith

  • General Manager - Branch 1, Adrian Rees
  • General Manager - Branch 2, Peter Kohlhagen
  • General Manager - Branch 3, Sarah Burley (acting)

Executive Director - Cross-Industry Insights, Chris Gower

  • General Manager - Macro and Industry Insights, ,  Marion Kohler
  • General Manager - Operational Resilience, Alison Bliss
  • General Manager - Governance, Culture, Remuneration & Accountability, Stuart Bingham
  • General Manager - Supervision Approach and Innovation, Stuart Bingham (caretaker basis)   

Executive Director - Technology & Data, Bruce Young

  • Chief Information Officer - Data, Rogier Roelofs
  • Chief Data Officer - Data, Andy Robertson

Divisions of APRA

APRA is organised into the following seven divisions plus two independent internal teams:

  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Superannuation
  • Policy and Advice
  • Cross-Industry Insights
  • Technology and Data
  • Chief of Staff and Enterprise Services Division
  • Internal Audit team
  • Enterprise Security and Risk team

APRA has an industry-based supervision model, with separate supervisory divisions responsible for superannuation, insurance and banking. These frontline divisions focus on financial and risk analysis as the primary part of their supervision function. This involves offsite analysis of data and information, regular contact with the supervised institutions as well as a continual program of onsite reviews.

  • The Banking division supervises licensed authorised deposit-taking institutions including banks, credit unions and building societies.
  • The Insurance division supervises all licensed general insurers, life companies and friendly societies, as well as private health insurance organisations. 
  • The Superannuation division supervises all registered superannuation entity licensees. 

The Policy and Advice division ensures that APRA's frontline supervisors have the best possible tools to support them in their risk analysis and supervisory interventions. This division consists of Legal Services, Policy, Advice and Approvals, Resolution, and Licensing.

The Cross-Industry division brings together industry analysts and risk experts to assist frontline to supervise individual entities and industries as a whole. This division consists of Credit and Market Risk, Governance, Insurance and Operational Risk, Data Analytics and Supervisory Applications & Solutions functions.

The Chief of Staff and Operations division is responsible for key stakeholder management and integrated communications to internal and external audiences, as well as providing corporate shared services functions that assist other divisions in achieving APRA's strategic objectives. The division consists of Corporate Affairs, People and Culture, Finance, Regulatory Affairs, Strategy and Governance, and Project and Portfolio Management functions.

The Technology and Data division is responsible for APRA’s core data capabilities including data management, data collection design, business and enterprise data reporting and data governance. The team also manages APRA’s day-to-day technology operations.

The Internal Audit team advises on managing risk across all of APRA, with an independent reporting line to the Audit Committee and direct access to the APRA Members and Executive Board.

The Enterprise Security and Risk team advises on enterprise security and risk management across APRA, with an independent reporting line to the Audit Committee and direct access to the APRA Members and Executive Board.