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Prudential Standards (1)
Status: In force
In effect from 22 November 2012
This Prudential Standard requires that all outsourcing arrangements involving material business activities entered into by an RSE licensee be subject to appropriate due diligence, approval and ongoing monitoring. All risks arising from outsourcing material business activities must be appropriately managed to ensure that the RSE licensee is able to meet its obligations to its beneficiaries.
Guidance (1)
Status: Current
July 2013
Prudential Standard SPS 231 Outsourcing (SPS 231) sets out APRA’s requirements in relation to outsourcing. This PPG aims to assist an RSE licensee in complying with those requirements and, more generally, to outline prudent practices in relation to managing outsourcing arrangements.  |  File type: PDF  |  File size: 249.51 KB