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Helen Rowell appointed as APRA Member



The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has welcomed the Treasurer’s announcement of the appointment of Helen Rowell as an APRA Member for a term of five years from today.

Mrs Rowell is currently the Executive General Manager of APRA’s Supervisory Support Division. Mrs Rowell joined APRA in 2002 and has been employed in a number of senior roles including General Manager, Diversified Institutions Division and General Manager Policy Development.

Mrs Rowell has represented APRA at various subcommittees of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors. She also represents APRA on the FSB’s Supervisory Intensity and Effectiveness Group and co-Chairs the Joint Forum Financial Conglomerates Committee.

APRA Chairman John Laker welcomed Mrs Rowell’s appointment: ‘Helen brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position of APRA Member from her 10 years in senior roles within APRA and also from her extensive experience in the private sector.’

Prior to joining APRA, Mrs Rowell was a partner at the international consulting firm Towers Perrin (now Towers Watson), and she is also a Fellow and past President of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia.

The announcement can be found on the Treasurer’s website at:

Today’s announcement follows changes, announced in April this year, to APRA’s Executive Group. It was announced APRA’s Deputy Chairman Ross Jones would not be seeking re-appointment and would leave APRA on 30 June 2013 after serving two five-year terms, and that APRA Member Ian Laughlin would be appointed Deputy Chairman for two years from 1 July 2013.

It was also announced at that time that Wayne Byres, former APRA Executive General Manager and currently Secretary General to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, will commence as APRA Chairman on 30 June 2014 with John Laker continuing to serve as APRA Chairman until that time.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is the prudential regulator of the financial services industry. It oversees banks, mutuals, general insurance and reinsurance companies, life insurance, private health insurers, friendly societies, and most members of the superannuation industry. APRA currently supervises institutions holding around $9 trillion in assets for Australian depositors, policyholders and superannuation fund members.