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Consultations for Private health insurance

Data and reporting

1 December 2022

This page contains APRA's direction for data collections and each industry’s roadmap for the creation of new collections and the transition to APRA Connect over the next five years.

10 December 2020

This page contains consultations about the private health insurance reform data collection. On 10 December 2020, APRA released a response to submissions on further changes to the proposed Reporting Standard HRS 605.0 Private Health Insurance Reform Data Collection.

Financial resilience

6 June 2023

This page contains consultation documents outlining APRA's planned approach to reviewing the capital framework applicable to private health insurers, including the impacts of AASB 17 Insurance Contracts, as part of Phase Three of the PHI Policy Roadmap released in August 2016. This follows completion of Phase One (Risk) and Phase Two (Governance) in 2018.


1 August 2023

This page contains APRA's consultation on new prudential requirements for remuneration. The new requirements will help regulated entities align remuneration practices with risk, performance and their long-term viability.


3 May 2024

This page contains relevant information on APRA's proposed updates to the prudential for authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), general, life and private health insurers, and registrable superannuation entity (RSE) licensees.

Recovery and resolution

18 May 2023

APRA is consulting on new prudential standards to strengthen the preparedness of banks, insurers and superannuation trustees to respond to future financial crises.

Risk management

April 2024

This page sets out details of APRA’s proposals in relation to Operational Risk Management for all APRA-regulated entities, it includes a discussion paper and proposed new prudential standard.