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APRA's governance structure

Under its enabling legislation, APRA's governance structure comprises a full-time Executive Group of at least three and no more than five Members. The Executive Group is responsible and accountable for the operation and performance of APRA. The Executive Group meets formally on a monthly basis, and more frequently as required, to discuss and resolve the major policy, supervisory and strategic issues facing APRA at the time. It also holds management meetings with APRA’s senior management at least weekly for high-level information sharing and decisions on more routine supervisory and organisational matters.

You can read profiles of APRA 's Members and Executive General Managers

Governance committees

APRA has a number of governance committees that support the Executive Group to oversee APRA’s core functions and capabilities, including the Audit & Risk Committee. 

Audit & Risk Committee

The role of the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) is to oversee the adequacy and effectiveness of APRA's risk management operations, financial and performance reporting responsibilities, systems of internal controls, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The ARC comprises three external (independent) members. The committee is chaired by one of the external members (who also has a casting vote if needed).

The ARC is attended by the Chief Internal Auditor, the Chief Risk Officer, and a representative of the Australian National Audit Office. The Chairman of APRA, and other senior APRA executives, may attend by invitation.

The ARC usually meets four times per year. An additional meeting is held to review APRA's Annual Financial Statements.

The ARC’s Charter sets out the ARC’s objectives, authority, composition and tenure, roles and responsibilities, reporting and administrative arrangements.